Tuesday, October 22, 2013

An Immune India

 For a Noble Cause by Dabur ChyawanPrash

In today’s world almost everybody leads a very busy life with very less time for themselves. We keep on hearing good things about staying healthy and fit but end up thinking a lot about health and doing very little for the most important part of our life. Let’s not just think about being healthy but start taking few steps to be healthy & stronger.  If each one of us start taking little steps, then it will help the entire nation to become healthier & stronger.

Now, the question comes HOW TO be healthier & stronger. Well, the logic is very simple. The way our body fights off disease depends on how strong our immune system is. As the immune system needs a lot of the body's resources to function well, so these resources must be present in our body whenever these are needed. Once we are healthy, we should enable other also to be healthy. I would list down few points that will help us build a healthy & immune India :

o      It is always best to eat a balanced and healthy diet. One must ensure to have Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, and Fats in balanced proportion. Most nutrients with antioxidant capacity (e.g. .Vitamin C, E, D, beta-carotene) are associated with enhancing immune function. Many people take Supplements to get these nutrients, but I feel it would be better if people try to include vegetables and fruits which are rich in these nutrients. For example Amla and Oranges are best source for Vitamin C. Avocados & Spinach are high in Vitamin E.

o      Stress can affect immune function. So, it is only us who will have to strive to remain stress free. And what would be better than regular exercise. Exercise is a simple way to beat stress and improve mood.

o       Don’t isolate yourself and be Happy- I believe when you think happy, positive, optimistic thoughts, it gives a boost to your immune system. Positive people deal with problems better and are better in reacting to situations of stress.  And remember they don't say laughter is the best medicine for nothing. Having a good laugh till your sides hurt will do you a whole lot of good than you imagine. Trust me it improves your mood and generates feelings of positivity.

o      Stay Hygienic - Washing your hands with soap as often as you can is very important. It is a very small thing so small that many a times we miss on it. Keep your surroundings clean always as not doing so will make us vulnerable to diseases.

o      Regular Health & Dental Check-ups – It is very much important to get regular medical check- up done as it would make people take preventive measures for any health related issues.

o      Help people from lower stratum of the society – India is a country with a number of people living below poverty line. We must take initiative or be a part of few initiatives that help these people with food, hygiene, better health education etc. This way we will ensure that entire nation is moving towards a common goal.

o      Finally, our nation must have better health facilities. And this could be done by the help of government and large private institutions. They should come forward leaving behind all politics and create better facilities across the nation to help people remain healthy. Not to forget that these facilities should be easily accessible by everyone and not only the rich class.

It is said that people having problems with their immune system can become infected quite easily specially Kids. For a child’s immune system to be strong enough to fend off any germs, a number of factors are important including diet, exercise, sleep habits, stress levels and nervous system function. I personally feel Kids spend way too much time in front of their TVs, computer screens, or smart phones and not enough time playing outdoors which is real good exercise and ultimately leads to good immune system. Certainly it becomes the responsibility of the parents to create a healthy environment for them. Being a parent myself and to be sure on my son’s health, I give him Dabur Chyawanprash daily which is no less than “Mummy ka magic” for him.

Not just for kids it should be a must have for entire family as its tag line says   

A teaspoon of this after meals satisfies craving for sweets and does a significant job of making the taste in my mouth really amazing. This is an overall great product to boost your immune system.
Let’s take charge of our own Health and body and together create an immune & healthier India. 

Take Care.