Saturday, May 2, 2009

The human mind and soul

Mind Body Soul is a philosophy which envelopes the infinite knowledge available in the universe.
"What is 'mind'? What is 'soul'? Is there a greater 'mind' out there, and where is reincarnation in all this?"
The soul is the place where we feel pleasure. The mind is the place where we calculate how to receive the pleasure.
I generally think of myself as an embodied mind, but then when I further reflect, that is a thought, and I can think of 'the' self as being that thought or series of thoughts that do the reflecting - thus the self is a part of mind. Generally, as far as I can see the soul used to function as a synonym for mind in the sense that it was the 'immaterial' part or aspect of a person. Once the brain was identified as the 'seat' of the mind, the soul came to have a religious, third element sort of connotation.

The soul tells the mind what the pleasure should be, and the mind then has to work, like a calculator, on how that desire should be fulfilled.
If you take the time to analyze your desires, you'll discover that they are aimed at transient things - things which will eventually die away. Perhaps a moment enters here and there where you contemplate the eternal, but this moment is always followed by drives for transient things.
There is no eternal soul until we attain one in this lifetime, through working on our desire until we really want an eternal soul. Then, this desire expands our mind: it starts calculating how to fulfill this desire with eternal life.

Vivek Kumar

The human mind----

It is said that the average human being has over 12,000 different thoughts each day. The human mind can be split into two quite different parts, the conscious and the subconscious.

The Conscious Mind
The conscious mind only represents a mere 12% of the total mind's capacity, and can only be concerned with, or hold one single thought at a time. It decides what action we will take, often based upon past subconscious experiences, and constantly re-assesses a situation to ensure that the correct action has been taken. The conscious mind has no memory capacity, and therefore only deals with the 'here and now' situation.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind takes up the remaining 88% of our brain's capacity, and could be compared to a massive computer system that stores all of the information regarding our location, situation, feelings etc.The subconscious mind has a perfect memory. When a person is writing a word on a piece of paper, the subconscious mind will attempt to locate the correct spelling and then pass that information to the conscious mind so that it can instruct the muscles in the hand to act accordingly. Whilst in a trance state, the subconscious mind will accept any suggestion it receives without question. It must be remembered however that if a suggestion is not conducive with the moral code of the subconscious, or if it is perceived as a threat, then there is a likelihood that the conscious mind will reawaken to analyse the situation accordingly.

Vivek Kumar